There are many reasons why a regular Pilates routine can help you improve your strength, fitness, ease of movement and body shape, here are 5 of the best.
1) Strengthen your core
The “core“ is much more than just your abdominal muscles. It includes all the muscles of the torso, from your hips to your shoulders. When your core muscles are strong, you move better, stand better and feel better. Good posture and a strong core prevents back, shoulder and hip pain. It reduces your risk of injury in sports activities and when simply lifting or bending down day to day.
2) Prevent Back Pain
Pilates targets the muscles surrounding the abdominals, back and torso. Physiotherapists, osteopaths and other health professionals often advise their clients to do Pilates. When your abdominal and back muscles are weak or tense, postural imbalances occur within the body. Over time these imbalances can lead to pain and injury. Pilates exercises target “functional muscles” used in every day activities, through practising Pilates you will discover where your weaknesses lie so you can restore balance and ease of movement to your body, without pain.
3) Practise anywhere
Pilates mat work can be done anywhere! In your living room, garden, local park, or even at your desk (shoulder shrugs and seated rolls downs?!). Pilates uses body weight and functional movements to create an effective exercise routine – hence you do not need any equipment just you and a bit of space to stretch.
4) Healthy hips
Many people have weak gluteal muscles (found in your bottom) and tight hip flexor muscles (at the front of your hips). This imbalance can occur from spending to long sitting at a desk, or from performing repeated sports and exercises which do not effectively target the gluteal muscles. Weak gluteals and tight hip flexors can lead to instability, weakness, and pain in the hips. Many Pilates exercises act to strengthen the gluteal muscles, and other surrounding muscles of the trunk, back, and hips, training your body to move effectively and improving the balance and function of your hip muscles, to prevent pain and injury.
5) Body awareness
Body awareness is something can be developed through focused, mindful movement. Pilates exercises are performed with control and often at a slower pace than traditional fitness exercises. Exercising in a controlled focused allows you to slow down and observe your abilities, strengths and weaknesses so you can target your weak areas, to improve your overall fitness and well- being.
To see how Pilates can improve these and other areas of your health, fitness and lifestyle try adding a weekly Pilates mat class to your schedule. Make sure you attend on a regular basis and see the benefits build up over time.
For details of Claire’s Pilates classes at treat Norwich visit